
Interoperability for Public Health Agencies

Self Assessment

A set of interactive gools to conduct self-assessments at a public health agency. Covers both informatics and interoperability.

Year released: 2019

All Programs
Project Management

Change Management and Stakeholder Engagement for Interoperability Efforts in Newborn Screening​


This training will focus on; Preparing for change; What is change management; Why is change management important; Who is involved in change management; and​ When do you address change management in an interoperability approach. In addition, in the second part of this webinar we will touch on the “how” of change management with some high-level strategies for approaching change management in interoperability work.

Year released: 2021

Project Management

Duration: 52 Minutes

The Public Health Interoperability Training Catalog is administered by Altarum as part of a forthcoming Public Health Interoperability Resource Center that is in development with input from the Public Health community.
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