A set of interactive gools to conduct self-assessments at a public health agency. Covers both informatics and interoperability.
Year released: 2019
A set of interactive gools to conduct self-assessments at a public health agency. Covers both informatics and interoperability.
Year released: 2019
Resources resulting from a Public Health FHIR Implementation Collaborative workshop include a high-level overview of FHIR, a more in-depth review of the rules, regulations, and policy framework behind interoperability, and a workshop summary.
Year released: 2022
Duration: 24 minutes
The Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) is a real-time portal to enhance disease surveillance by providing comprehensive information on public health reporting criteria. Learn about authoring in the RCKMS.
Year released: 2020
Duration: 29 Minutes
The Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) is a real-time portal to enhance disease surveillance by providing comprehensive information on public health reporting criteria. Hear an overview about authoring in the RCKMS.
Year released: 2020
Duration: 18 Minutes
Learn the difference between eCR and traditional case reporting. See how eCR is a faster process to receive and send more complete data.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 3 Minutes
Training modules around the Stage 2 Meaningful Use (MU) Rule to train Eligible Professional (EPs) and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) on how to implement new standards
Year released: 2017
Evaluation in the context of public health informatics and discuss why evaluation is necessary
Year released: 2018
Duration: 36 Minutes
Definition and value proposition for Public Health informatics
Year released: 2018
Duration: 1 Hour