Describes some of the key principles related to information governance at public health agencies.
Year released: 2019
Describes some of the key principles related to information governance at public health agencies.
Year released: 2019
Surveillance modernization efforts emphasize the potential use of electronic health record (EHR) data to inform public health surveillance and prevention. However, EHR data streams vary widely in their completeness, accuracy, and representativeness. This publication describes a validation process developed by the Multi-State EHR-Based Network for Disease Surveillance (MENDS) pilot project to identify and resolve data quality issues that could affect chronic disease prevalence estimates.
Year released: 2024
The Public Health FHIR Playbook is designed by the Public Health FHIR Implementation Collaborative (PHFIC) to help state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) public health agencies successfully implement FHIR, a standard for electronic health data exchange. PHFIC developed the Playbook to describe FHIR, its policy context, and steps that enable successful FHIR implementation at public health agencies.
Year released: 2024
The questions included in this FAQ were collected from the ASTHO Connects session, “TEFCA Overview and Perspectives from the Field” held on April 4, 2024 and follow-on questions from the session, as well as the ONC and CDC’s TEFCA Community of Practice. The questions answered in this document are not exhaustive: this FAQ will be considered a living document with updates made as ASTHO and its partners are able to answer additional questions.
Year released: 2024
Published ONC data briefs on a variety of interoperability topics.
Year released: 2024
This set of documents covers some computer science basics that for the foundation of interoperability including networks, transport protocols and other fundamental topics.
Year released: 2023
Introduction to FHIR for Research is a three-hour training course that aims to provide NIH research scientists and program officers with an understanding of how FHIR could impact their research, and how they can take advantage of it. This webinar covers the background and context of FHIR, what data and tools are available, and examples of research using FHIR. It is broken into three parts:
Part 1: Background and Context of FHIR
This section provides essential background and context on FHIR, including the history and evolution of the standard, its relation to similar frameworks, and its components and data structure.
Part 2: The FHIR Ecosystem
After discussing FHIR background, we'll next turn to discussing the broader ecosystem of FHIR systems and capabilities practitioners can hope to leverage. This section will explore the extent of systems, tools, and applications available to users.
Part 3: Working with FHIR
We will now explore a detailed set of applications for FHIR starting with a sampling of recent FHIR uses in both industry and academia. We will then provide a series of case studies leveraging both Python and R to demonstrate how FHIR can be used to extract and utilize medical data.
Year released: 2023
Duration: 2 hours 58 minutes
The Data Modernization Planning Toolkit supports Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases recipients in planning data modernization ventures at health departments. This guide will help build leadership and partner buy-in for data modernization work and assist health departments in developing plans that prioritize data modernization activities.
Year released: 2022
This document is a companion to Section 1D of the Building Blocks Guide. It describes the steps required for HL7 message definition and provides additional information on the tools and topics discussed in the Guide, including the Implementation Workbook and the Message Validation Template.
Year released: 2018
These FHIR Fact Sheets are a collaborative effort to help educate and demystify FHIR. These fact sheets summarize the key technical concepts that make up the foundation of FHIR, how it is developed in an open and public process, and why FHIR adoption has become the focus of the health IT standards world.
Year released: 2021
Four template job descriptions covering Executive, Management, Clinical and Professional roles. These may be a good starting point for putting together job descriptions for your program.
Year released: 2014
A Fishbone document is used to explore the potential root causes of a problem.
Definition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those working in the discipline
Year released: 2009
Duration: 45 Minutes to 1 Hour
Guidance for initiating and sustaining this project and outlines steps needed to set up electronic messaging with partners