A set of interactive gools to conduct self-assessments at a public health agency. Covers both informatics and interoperability.
Year released: 2019
A set of interactive gools to conduct self-assessments at a public health agency. Covers both informatics and interoperability.
Year released: 2019
Describes some of the key principles related to information governance at public health agencies.
Year released: 2019
Surveillance modernization efforts emphasize the potential use of electronic health record (EHR) data to inform public health surveillance and prevention. However, EHR data streams vary widely in their completeness, accuracy, and representativeness. This publication describes a validation process developed by the Multi-State EHR-Based Network for Disease Surveillance (MENDS) pilot project to identify and resolve data quality issues that could affect chronic disease prevalence estimates.
Year released: 2024
The Data Modernization Planning Toolkit supports Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases recipients in planning data modernization ventures at health departments. This guide will help build leadership and partner buy-in for data modernization work and assist health departments in developing plans that prioritize data modernization activities.
Year released: 2022
Four template job descriptions covering Executive, Management, Clinical and Professional roles. These may be a good starting point for putting together job descriptions for your program.
Year released: 2014
Readiness assessment designed to increase state birth defects program capability to exchange electronic health information with clinical electronic health records systems (EHRs).
Year released: 2021
Learn the difference between eCR and traditional case reporting. See how eCR is a faster process to receive and send more complete data.
Year released: 2021
Duration: 3 Minutes
Definition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those working in the discipline
Year released: 2009
Duration: 45 Minutes to 1 Hour